
domenica 11 luglio 2021

New Feat: Resourceful Drinker

 Gunslingers and swashbucklers able to perform prodigious deeds even when they had too much to drink abound in literature. It’s only right to recognize this in game too.

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Resourceful Drinker (Grit/Panache)

Alcohol draws forth unsuspected reserves of ability in you.

Prerequisites: Grit, panache, or another ability that works the same way (Amateur feats count for this), 3rd-level character, worshiper of an ale or wine-themed god.

Benefit: Once per day, you can drink a tankard of ale or strong alcohol and regain one point in your feature pool. The act of drinking is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Special: A character with this feat can take the Deep Drinker and Fast Drinker feats as if he were a drunken master monk. The Deep Drinker feat lets the character regain 2 points in his class feature pool rather than one, instead of granting increased temporary ki points.

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