
domenica 18 luglio 2021

New Feat: Otherworldly Counselor

 Duskwalkers have a special feat (Personal Chronicler) that gives them a nosoi familiar whatever class they are. It’s unfair that other outsider-themed races and classes don’t have the same chance. So I extended it!

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Otherworldly Counselor

Your outsider ancestor sent a guide to help you achieve greatness.

Prerequisite: Outsider with the native subtype, bloodline related to an extraplanar creature, or prestige class requiring an obedience feat; alignment within one step from the granted creature.

Benefit: You gain a familiar as per the arcane bond class feature, using your character level as your wizard level. This is a fledgling outsider familiar with an alignment and a subtype fit for your that takes the appearance of a normal animal roughly of the same body type (like a bird for a nosoi, a cat for a silvanshee or a viper for a voidworm). If you have the ability to gain a familiar through other means and you are at least 5th level, the familiar assumes instead its true form as though you had taken the Improved Familiar feat. You can have only one familiar.

This feat can be taken a second time by a character of 7th level or higher if that character doesn’t otherwise have access to a familiar. Such characters treat their familiars as improved familiars, as described above.

Special: If you ever willingly violate your deity’s code of conduct or if your alignment shifts so as not to be any more within one step from your familiar, the creature abandons you and reports your actions to its superiors. To regain your familiar, you must atone for your deeds via the atonement spell.

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