
domenica 4 ottobre 2020

Lady Angela De Darkenthal, Oracle of Nature

Yet another time, I return to one of my most rethought and redone characters- this time, though, should really be the last one!

My greatest struggle in adapting Angela to Pathfinder was that she was modeled upon Franciscan monks- she should be able to talk with animals and go around without an armor. I decided very soon that the Oracle class was more in character than a Cleric for her, but I wanted to give her the Life mystery and that one had no revelations that add to armor class. Plus, she had to show a duality in her abilities, as the chosen of two different deities- one of life and compassion, one of love.

Finding and liking the flavor of the Spirit Guide archetype was a big step forward, but it took a long time to realize that I just had to swap her mystery and favored spirit bond to make her perfect. Nature oracles are the very Franciscan friars I was looking for, after all. Silly me.

So here she is. The Exalted prestige class gives her other abilities she needed, and retards her access to channel energy, that was not among her powers in my campaign/novel. Angela doesn’t see anymore a contradiction in her “serving two masters”, as she’s convinced that the goddess of love is only another aspect of the god she was taught to believe in. I also added Marshal to her Hierophant mythic path, to reflect her dual vocation and give her the ability to use mercies.

Some spirit names are from the series of Everyman Minis I wrote for Everybody Games. The deific boons Angela gains will be explained in the next post!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Lady Angela de Darkenthal (CR 22)

Female middle–aged human exalted 10/oracle 9 (Spirit Guide)/hierophant-marshal 7

LG Medium humanoid (human)

Init +5, amazing initiative; Senses Perception +7

Aura aura of good


AC 34, touch 29, flat–footed 20 (+14 Charisma, +5 deflection, +5 natural). +4 when fighting defensively (peace creed)

hp 136 (19d8+19+28)

Fort +9, Ref +20, Will +18. +4 when fighting defensively (peace creed), +2 resistance vs. evil (protection from evil), +2 morale vs. fear and emotion effects (beacon of hope)

Special Defenses beacon of hope, force of will, hard to kill, mythic saves, recuperation, vitality; SR 21 (magic mantle)


Speed 30 ft.

Melee +5 compassionate holy peaceful quarterstaff +17/+12/+7 (1d6+4, +2d6 vs. evil creatures)

Special Attacks channel positive energy 8/day (10d6, DC 26), mythic power 17/day, surge +1d10

Spell–like Abilities (CL 19th, concentration +33)

Constant- protection from evil (self only)

At will detect evil; (spending mythic power)- entangle (DC 25), barkskin, plant growth, command plants, wall of thorns, repel wood, animate plants

3/day- cure light wounds

2/day- calm emotions (DC 26), lesser restoration

1/day- bless (CL 10), charm person (DC 25), protection from chaos, protection from evil; align weapon (good), align weapon (law), calm emotions (CL 10, DC 26), compassionate ally (DC 26), qualm (DC 26); charitable impulse (DC 27), create food and water (CL 10), magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, remove disease, suggestion (DC 27); forced repentance (DC 28), heroism, holy smite, imbue with spell ability (CL 10), order’s wrath; atonement, charm monster (DC 29), commune, dispel chaos, dispel evil (DC 29), telepathic bond (CL 10); blade barrier (DC 30), geas/quest, heroes’ feast (DC 10), hold monster (DC 30); dictum (DC 31), holy word (DC 31), insanity (DC 31), refuge (DC 10); mass cure critical wounds (DC 10); miracle (DC 10)

Oracle Spells Known (CL 19th, concentration +33)

9th Level (6/day): miracle (DC 33), overwhelming presenceM (DC 33), true resurrection

8th Level (8/day): euphoric tranquility (DC 36), greater angelic aspect, holy aura (DC 32), mass cure critical wounds, mass heal

7th Level (8/day): greater bestow curse (DC 31), greater restoration, hymn of peace (DC 35), mass cure serious wounds, resurrectionM

6th Level (9/day): banishment (DC 30), heal, heroes’ feastM, mass cure moderate wounds, symbol of persuasion (DC 30)

5th Level (9/day): atonement, break enchantment, breath of life, hymn of mercy (DC 33), mass cure light wounds, serenity (DC 33)

4th Level (9/day): bountiful banquet, brightest light, cure critical wounds, grove of respite, imbue with spell ability, purify body, restoration

3rd Level (9/day): accept afflictionM, create food and water, cure serious wounds, daylight, glyph of warding (DC 27), magic circle against evil, mantle of calmM (DC 31), neutralize poison, speak with plants

2nd Level (10/day): abeyance, barkskin, burst of radiance (DC 26), calm emotions (DC 30), compassionate ally (DC 26), cure moderate wounds, enthrallM (DC 32), lesser restoration, soothing word, touch of mercy (DC 30)

1st Level (10/day): bless, charm animal (DC 25), command (DC 31), compel hostility (DC 29), cure light wounds, detect undead, peace bond, protection from evil, sanctuaryM (DC 29), unbreakable heart

0–Level (at will): create water, detect fiendish presence, detect magic, detect poison, enhanced diplomacy, guidance, light, purify food and drink, read magic, resistance, stabilize, virtue

Mystery Nature; Spirit Life


Str 8, Dex 6, Con 13, Int 19, Wis 24, Cha 38

Base Atk +13; CMB +12; CMD 36

Traits Redeemer, Touched By Divinity

Feats Blissful Spell, Brew Potion, Cry of Mercy, Deific Obedience, Dual PathM, Merciful Spell, Mythic Spell LoreM, PeacemakerM, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge/religion), Virtuous Creed (Mercy), Virtuous Creed (Peace), Voice of the SybilM

Skills Diplomacy +47/+50, Heal +29, Knowledge (history) +26, Knowledge (nature) +26, Knowledge (nobility) +16, Knowledge (religion) +36, Perform (oratory) +43, Sense Motive +29/+32, Use Magic Device +23

Languages Common, Celestial, church sacred language, Elven, Infernal, Sylvan

SQ binding ties 10/day (10 rounds), bonded spirit (heavens, life, lore, nature, passion, peace, salvation, spring, wood), divine boons (merciful servant, as a lamb among wolves, faithful servant [bonded spirit, oracle curse]), divine brand, enhanced cures, expanded portfolio [Community/Family], divine surge (inspired spell), marshal’s order (rally), obedience, oracle’s curse (legalistic), path abilities (beacon of hope, divine countenance, endless bounty, divine source x2 [Charm/Kindness, Good/Redemption, Law], master of mercy, mortal herald [Plant domain]), perform miracle, religious speaker, revelation (nature’s whispers), unity 1/day

Gear amulet of natural armor +5 (50,000 gp), cape of effulgent escape (14,000 gp), +5 compassionate holy peaceful quarterstaff (200,300 gp), dryad sandals (24,000 gp), headband of mental superiority +6 (144,000 gp), mantle of spell resistance (90,000 gp), psalms of forgiveness (300 gp), potion of magic vestment +5 (3,000 gp), ring of protection +5 (50,000 gp), staff of life (109,400 gp).

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