
mercoledì 3 giugno 2020

Passionate Focused Blessings

These warpriest’s blessings are for the new subdomains that I and Will Wells wrote for Misfit Studios’ Book of Passion. One of these is used by Lady Fiona Wylde.
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Warpriest Focused Blessings

Associated Blessing: Any

Replacement Blessing: The following major blessing replaces the 10th level ability of the chosen blessing.

Qinggong Novice (major): At 10th level, choose one qinggong monk ki power with a cost of 0 or 1 ki point. Once made, the choice is set. You can use this power once with each use of your blessing ability.

Associated Blessing: Healing

Replacement Blessing: The following major blessing replaces the fast healing ability of the Healing blessing.

Inured to Suffering (major): At 10th level, you can become immune to pain effects for 1 minute.

Associated Blessing: Glory

Replacement Blessing: The following minor blessing replaces the glorious presence ability of the Glory blessing.

Believe in Yourself (minor): At 1st level, you can speak a few words to a creature within 30 feet, granting that creature a +2 morale bonus on Armor Class, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, or saving throws (your choice). This effect lasts for 1 minute.

Associated Blessing: Strength

Replacement Blessing: The following minor blessing replaces the strength surge ability of the Strength blessing.

Against All Odds (Su): When reduced to below 0 hit points, you can stabilize and continue to act for a number of rounds equal to ½ your warpriest level, although you’re staggered. When the power expires, you fall unconscious and begin dying.

Associated Blessing: Luck

Replacement Blessing: The following major blessing replaces the unlucky enemy ability of the Luck blessing.

Reverse Unluck (major): At 10th level, as an immediate action when you are under the effect of a penalty on dice rolls you can transform it in an equivalent luck bonus for 1 minute.

Associated Blessing: Protection

Replacement Blessing: The following minor blessing replaces the increased defense ability of the Protection blessing.

Lend Resistance (minor): At 1st level, you can transfer part of your armor bonus to another creature you touch for 1 minute. You can transfer 1 point of bonus (both magical and non magical) plus 1 for every 5 warpriest levels you possess.

Associated Blessing: Charm

Replacement Blessing: The following major blessing replaces the dominance aura ability of the Charm blessing.

Fey Companion (major): At 10th level, you can summon a battle companion. This ability functions as summon monster IV with a duration of 1 minute, but for only a fey, an animal with the plane of faerie creature simple template, or a creature with the fey animal or fey creature template. This ability can summon only one creature, regardless of the list used. For every 2 levels beyond 10th the level of the summon monster spell increases by 1 (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 20th level).

Associated Blessing: Fertility

Replacement Blessing: The following major blessing replaces the fast healing ability of the Fertility blessing.

Energy Boost (major): At 10th level, you can infuse yourself with pure life energy. Your attacks deal damage as if you were a size larger for 1 minute.

Associated Blessing: Nobility

Replacement Blessing: The following major blessing replaces the lead by example ability of the Nobility blessing.

Boon of Magnanimity (major): At 10th level, you can temporarily transfer a weapon or armor bonus from an item you possess to another in possession of an ally within 30 feet. You have not to touch either item to make the transfer. You can divert a value equal or lesser than +2 of your weapon or armor bonus to your ally’s weapon or armor. You can also transfer weapon or armor special abilities of the same value, provided that your ally’s weapon or armor could normally be enchanted with these abilities. The transfer lasts for 1 minute, after which the transferred bonus automatically returns to your weapon or armor. You can use this ability multiple times on the same weapon or armor.

Associated Blessing: Chaos

Replacement Blessing: The following minor blessing replaces the anarchic strike ability of the Chaos blessing.

Touch of Joy (minor): At 1st level, you can make a touch attack against a foe, afflicting the foe with hideous laughter for 1 round.

Associated Blessing: Charm

Replacement Blessing: The following major blessing replaces the dominance aura ability of the Charm blessing.

Relieve the Burden (major): At 10th level, as a swift or immediate action, you can touch a creature to temporarily relieve it from any curse effect or corruption taint it may be suffering of at the moment.  The relief lasts lasts for 1 hour. A creature can be relieved of only one curse or taint at a time.

Associated Blessing: Fertility

Replacement Blessing: The following minor blessing replaces the blessed growth ability of the Fertility blessing.

Excess of Vitality (minor): At 1st level, you can touch one ally and grant it temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + ½ your warpriest level.

Associated Blessing: Good

Replacement Blessing: The following minor blessing replaces the holy strike ability of the Good blessing.

Weapon of Compassion (minor): At 1st level, you can touch one weapon and bless it with the power of peace. For 1 minute, this weapon glows rosy-gold or white and acquires the compassionate special ability. During this time, it’s treated as good for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Associated Blessing: Good

Replacement Blessing: The following minor blessing replaces the holy strike ability of the Good blessing.

Suffering Doesn’t Kill (minor): At 1st level, you can touch one ally and convert some of the lethal damage he suffered into nonlethal damage. You can convert this way a number of damage points equal to 1d6 + your warpriest level.

Associated Blessing: Healing

Replacement Blessing: The following minor blessing replaces the powerful healer ability of the Healing blessing.

Charming Healer (minor): At 1st level, you can add a healing effect to a spell with the emotion descriptor you cast. The spell’s target creature is also healed for 1d6 hp.

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