
mercoledì 6 maggio 2020

Mythic Zealot Archetype Options

Rogue Genius Games and Legendary Games released mythic class features for all the classes from Pathfinder 1st Edition, plus some archetypes and prestige classes (some of them were by yours truly). Personally I think that mythic archetype features are a HUGE idea, but how many chances there are that we see each Pathfinder archetype mythicized?
Well, I’m doing some myself! And this work also will help me with the newest version of a character I love so much... so enjoy the Mythic Zealot Vigilante!
This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Zealot (Archetype) Options
A mythic zealot is the stuff of legends: a mysterious defender of an oppressed faith or a masqueraded crusader of his god.
Mythic Class Skills: The zealot gains Signature Skill and Skill Focus as bonus feats in Knowledge (religion) or Spellcraft. If he already has Signature Skill and/or Skill Focus in that skill, he instead gains Signature Skill (Mythic) and/or Skill Focus (Mythic) in that skill as bonus mythic feats.
Mythic Skill Ranks per Level: The zealot gains a number of skill ranks equal to 4 + his Wisdom modifier at each level, instead of 4 + his Intelligence modifier skill ranks.
Mythic Orisons: The zealot adds his mythic tier to the number of orisons he  can prepare each day.
Mythic Spell List: The zealot can add one cleric spell of a spell level he can cast to his zealot class spell list. If he is mythic tier 3, he can add one spell from the ranger class spell list of a spell level he can cast to his zealot class spell list. If he is mythic tier 6, he can add one druid spell of a spell level he can cast to his zealot class spell list.
This mythic class feature may be selected more than once. Each time it is selected, it adds another appropriate spell to the zealot’s class spell list.
Mythic Aura: The zealot adds his mythic tier to the strength of his aura for all aspects of alignment where his own alignment and his deity’s alignment match. Additionally, for one aspect of his alignment that matches, she gains SR equal to 5 + her tier + her class level against spells with the opposing descriptor. If the selected alignment is neutral the zealot may choose one opposing alignment—once this decision is made it cannot be changed.
Mythic Inquisition (Power): As the mythic domain (power) cleric mythic class feature of the same name, but it affects only inquisitions and can increase the power of only one inquisition at a time. A list of mythic inquisitions follows.

Anger Inquisition
At 6th level, the inquisitor may rage as a barbarian of her class level, for a number of rounds per day equal to 2 + double her level + her Wisdom modifier. Even if she has no levels in a class that grants rage, the inquisitor can select the Extra Rage Power feat to gain rage powers.

Black Powder Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor gains Mythic Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms) and Mythic Gunsmithing as bonus feats. She also adds ½ her mythic tier to the Fortitude saving throw DC required to an arcane spellcaster or a creature that uses spell-like abilities that she hits with a firearm attack.

Chivalry Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor gains a mythic mount, as per the mythic cavalier class option.
At 8th level, the inquisitor's mount gains the benefit of all the judgments she selected.

Conversion Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor gains a bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks equal to her tier against non-mythic creatures, or half her tier against mythic creatures.

Crime Inquisition
At 8th level, the inquisitor gains the mythic versions of the listed bonus feats.

Fate Inquisition
At 8th level, the inquisitor adds her mythic tier to the damage healed or inflicted, or ½ her mythic tier to the bonus gained.

Final Rest Inquisition
At 8th level, the inquisitor adds ½ her mythic tier to the save DC of her weapon’s disruption effect.

Heresy Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor gains a bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks equal to her tier against non-mythic creatures, or half her tier against mythic creatures.

Illumination Inquisition
At 4th level, the inquisitor’s aura of enlightenment grants a +4 insight bonus on skill checks to allies, and counts as mythic for the purpose of dispelling darkness effects. 

Oblivion Inquisition
At 1st level, a dying creature inside the inquisitor’s aura also adds ½ her mythic tier as a bonus to its stabilization checks.

Order Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor may use mythic protection from chaos with her mantle against chaos ability.

Politics Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor gains a bonus on Bluff checks to lie and Diplomacy checks to influence other creatures equal to her tier against non-mythic creatures, or half her tier against mythic creatures.

Possession Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor’s competence bonus on saves against enchantment spells increases to +4.

Redemption Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor gains a bonus on Diplomacy, Perception and Sense Motive checks equal to her tier against non-mythic creatures, or half her tier against mythic creatures.
At 4th level, any weapon that the inquisitor wields gains the peaceful special ability in addition to merciful as long as it is in her hands. A non-mythic, non-intelligent unholy weapon wielded by the inquisitor becomes instead permanently a redeemed weapon.

Reformation Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor gains a bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate and Perform (oratory) checks equal to her tier against non-mythic creatures, or half her tier against mythic creatures.

Restoration Inquisition
At 8th level, the inquisitor adds a bonus equal to her tier to all the listed caster level checks regarding non-mythic creatures of the selected alignment.

Secrets Inquisition
At 1st level, whenever the inquisitor casts detect anxieties, detect desires, or detect thoughts or uses any of those spells as a spell-like ability, she gains the effects all three spells at the same time. Non-mythic target are not allowed a saving throw against this ability.
At 8th level, the inquisitor is constantly under the effect of mythic nondetection.

Sedition Inquisition
At 8th level, the inquisitor gains Mythic Leadership as a bonus feat.

Seduction Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor’s disarming flirtation works automatically on non-mythic targets. The inquisitor adds ½ her mythic tier as a bonus on her Charisma check against mythic targets. In addition, when using her inspire devotion ability, the inquisitor also gain the benefits of the companion to the lonely vigilante’s social talent.

Spellkiller Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor gains the Mythic Disruptive feat as a bonus feat. When she defeats an enemy, the AC bonus she gains increases to +4. gain a +2 sacred or profane bonus to AC for 1 minute per level. In addition, the inquisitor adds her mythic tier to the save DC of a hit spellcasting creature to end the staggered condition she inflicted with this ability.f

Tactics Inquisition
At 8th level, the inquisitor and her allies add her mythic tier as a bonus to initiative checks.

Torture Inquisition
At 1st level, the inquisitor’s bonus on Intimidate increases to +4.
At 8th level, when using her critical precision ability, the inquisitor may expend one use of mythic power to automatically succeed at her critical confirmation roll.

True Death Inquisition
At 1st level, when the inquisitor uses her back to the graves ability, the cure spells she casts have no damage limit.
At 8th level, a body interred by the inquisitor with a hallowed rite becomes the center of a mythic hallow spell.

Truth Inquisition
At 8th level, the inquisitor adds a number of rounds equal to her mythic tier to the daily duration of her grasp of honesty ability. In addition, the effect lingers even if she stops grappling, pinning, or touching the victim, unless she wants to end it.

Valor Inquisition
At 8th level, every ally within 30 ft. of the inquisitor shares her immunity to fear.

Zeal Inquisition
At 8th level, the inquisitor adds half her favored enemy bonus to her saving throws against spells and abilities from favored enemies, and to her AC against attacks made by favored enemies to confirm critical threats.

Mythic Inquisition (Selection): The zealot may select an additional inquisitions from her deity’s list of possible inquisitions. This mythic class feature cannot be used to select a domain.
This mythic class feature can be selected more than once, but not more than enough times to have access to all of a deity’s inquisitions.
Mythic Zealot Talents: To take a mythic zealot talent, a zealot must have the non-mythic version of the talent. No mythic talent may be taken more than once.

Mythic Channel Energy: The zealot channels energy as a cleric of his same level.

Mythic Discern Lies: The zealot can use his discern lies ability once per round as a free action, even when it is not his turn. He can focus on a number of creatures at a time equal to 1 + half his mythic tier (minimum 2 total creatures). He adds his mythic tier to the number of rounds per day he may use this ability.

Mythic Empower Symbol: The zealot’s empowered holy symbol becomes the center of a mythic consecrate or mythic desecrate spell.

Mythic Harsh Judgement: When using her harsh judgement class feature, the zealot may, as a standard action, expend a use of mythic power to grant an adjacent ally the power of his judgment. The ally gains the bonuses of the judgment the zealot is using, but gains bonuses of only half the zealot’s class level. The ally cannot also be using judgment, from any source. If the zealot changes what judgment she is using, this also changes what judgment the ally is using.
Alternatively, when this mythic class feature is selected the zealot may choose one of the following options:
-boost the power of one specific judgment of his, as per the mythic inquisitor’s mythic judgment class feature. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.
-gain four more judgments, either from the standard selection of inquisitor judgments or from the alternate ones found in Rogue Genius Games’ Advanced Options: Inquisitors’ Judgements.
-gain the second judgment inquisitor ability.

Mythic Stalwart: The zealot’s stalwart ability applies even when he is helpless, and even in heavy armor.

Mythic Stern Gaze: The zealot can make Intimidate checks as a move action, and Sense Motive checks as swift actions.
Mythic Zealot Smite: If the zealot strikes a creature that is not of the alignment he can affect with a zealot smite attack, he becomes aware the creature is not of that alignment and may choose to deal no damage with the attack. If the zealot chooses to do this, the zealot smite ends and does not count against his number of zealot smites per day.

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