
sabato 18 aprile 2020

P2 Feat: Power Over Undeath

Another post, another feat for Pathfinder 2nd Edition! Because divine sorcerers deserve the right to turn undead.
This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Power Over Undeath (Sorcerer, Divine) Feat 6
Prerequisites bloodline that grants divine spells, Divine Evolution
You gain power over undead beings as a cleric. You gain the Turn Undead cleric feat if you chose heal for your divine evolution, and the Command Undead feat if you chose harm. You may select either Holy Castigation or Unholy Castigation as sorcerer feats, and use them when you cast heal or harm with your additional slots.

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