
domenica 5 gennaio 2020

Amateur Occultist Feat

There should be more multiclassing feats. And there should be more Anateur feats, like Amateur Gunslinger, Investigator, or Swashbuckler.
Just give me time.
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Amateur Occultist
Though you are not a complete occultist, you have developed the ability to use one object important to you as an implement.
Prerequisites: 1 rank in Use Magic Device, no levels in a class that has the mental focus class feature.
Benefits: You gain a pool of mental focus equal to your Intelligence modifier. Choose an item that has a special significance to you and one school of magic. You can use that item as an occultist’s  implement, expending mental focus to activate one focus power of the selected school, even if it’s a school not normally associated to that type of item. This focus power works only with your chosen object. You don’t qualify for any feat that affects mental focus or implements. Your pool of mental focus refreshes each day, typically after you get a restful night’s sleep.
Special: If you gain levels in a class that has the mental focus class feature, you can immediately trade this feat for the Extra Mental Focus feat.

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