
sabato 8 giugno 2019

New Exit: Legendary Mediums

Hey! This was sudden... but Legendary Mediums for Legendary Games is out, with a lot of d and new stuff both for the classic and revised medium class, and there’s also some material made by me! Specifically, I created the new classic spirits for the Legendary mythic paths and the Ancestral Fury archetype for barbarians (I dreamed so long for that! Expect a build soon!)
To celebrate, tomorrow a little thing that didn’t made into the book will be posted on my Patreon page!
In the meanwhile... I noticed a couple of mistakes I forgot to correct on page 36. Here’s the errata:

Stranger’s Influence Penalty: You become bold and reckless, ready to jump into a fight at the slightest occasion. You cannot fight defensively in a battle, neither cast a spell defensively. You take a penalty on your CMD equal to your spirit bonus.
Stranger’s Taboo: you must not don any armor that would hinder your movements (armor that gives penalty to Dexterity checks is prohibited)

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