
mercoledì 10 aprile 2019

The Cordon Bleu (Colonel Archetype)

On the 1st of April, I took the occasion to homage with an archetype the most excellent class of the Colonel, from Necromancers of the Northwest (hey, go grab it, it's free!) on my Patreon page.
This is not just a divertissement. I intend to use this in a future build, and maybe in actual play, so stay tuned. And if you wish to see stuff before it appears on my blog and have access to other patron rewards, please consider donating!

Cordon Bleu (Colonel Archetype)
A cordon bleu is a colonel specialized in pork dishes. He can be a Cantonese chef, or a specialist of sausages or cured meats.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: At 1st level, a cordon bleu may choose to gain proficiency with monk weapons rather than martial weapons. Once made, this choice can’t be changed.
Pork Expert: A cordon bleu uses mostly pork for his fried chicken batches (or other porcine meat, such as boar). Rather than a white suit, he can wear elegant clothes typical of his culture, and replace his goatee with a particular hair or beard cut. The effects of these abilities don’t change.
Pig Rider (Ex): At 5th level, a cordon bleu gains a boar or bristle boar as an animal companion. His equivalent druid level for this ability is equal to his colonel level. The cordon bleu treats his sides as spells for the purpose of the share spells animal companion ability (since he loves to share treats with his food reserve... er, animal friend). This replaces fowl fighter and many faces.
Strengthening Meal (Su): At 17th level, any characters that participate in a cordon bleu’s family feast are also affected as though by the spell heroism. The caster level is equal to the colonel’s class level. This modifies improved family feast.
Pig Conjuring (Su): At 19th level, a cordon bleu can conjure 1d4+1 swarms of piglets rather than chickens.1d4+1 swarms of chickens. Treat these as rat swarms, except that their swarm damage is 4d6, their distraction DC is equal to 10 + ½ the colonel’s class level + the colonel’s Charisma modifier, and each piglet swarm has a number of hit points equal to ⅕ the colonel’s hit points. The piglet swarms obey the colonel’s commands, and remain for up to 2 minutes, after which they vanish back whence they came. This modifies chicken conjuring.

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