
sabato 16 marzo 2019

Bloodrager Archetype: Battle Singer

Here’s the second part of my homage to my patron S L Hall, that will climax tomorrow. More warrior and less artist than the skald, the battle singer Bloodrager was inspired by the singing berserkers of old.
This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards (and maybe even receive homages like this), please consider donating!

Battle Singer (Bloodrager Archetype)
More instinctive and less scholarly than a skald, a battle singer guides her companions in battles from the first line, accompanying with music her own deeds in battle.

Class Skills: A battle singer adds Perform (Cha) to her class skills in place of Ride (Dex). This alters the bloodrager’s class skills.

Versatile Performance: At 3rd level, a battle singer gains the benefits of versatile performance for one Perform skill she possesses. This replaces blood sanctuary.

Secrets of Music: A battle singer cast spells from the bard’s list. Only 1st-4th level spells from the bard’s list are eligible to be cast by a battle singer. The battle singer’s spell progression and spells known don’t change. This alters spellcasting.

Battle Masterpiece: A battle singer can select a bardic masterpiece in place of a spell known or a bloodline feat, and uses it as a bard of her same level, spending rounds of bloodrage in place of rounds of performance.

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