
domenica 13 gennaio 2019

Rod of Major Hexes

Here's a new, very powerful magic item that will be usefully for the build that will posted next time!
This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Rod of Major Hexes
Aura overwhelming (no school) CL 20th
Slot none; Price 55,000 gp (grasping, interminable), 162,500 gp (voracious), 270,000 gp (potent), 377,500 gp (abrupt); Weight 5 lbs.

A rod of major hexes is identical to the rod of hexes of its same name, but affects both normal and major hexes (not grand hexes).

Requirements Craft Rod, Reach Spell, creator must possess the hex class feature; Cost 27,500 gp (grasping, interminable), 81,250 gp (voracious), 135,000 gp (potent), 188,750 gp (abrupt).

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