
domenica 27 gennaio 2019

Nightstar Splendor, the Destroyer Level 20

Our Sailor marathon is coming to its end with the three co-protagonists of the fifth season. They are all singers, so Bard is a must-be class for all of them- but with different mythic paths. Also, they will be disguised females as in the manga, rather than males transforming into females as in the anime- respecting the author’s will. Other than Legendary Games’ mythic Stranger path, I also used some abilities from Necromancers of the Northwest’s Mythic Mastery: Angelic Heritage.
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Nightstar Splendor, the Destroyer CR 25
Aasimar (Angelkin) bard (Argent Voice) 20/VMC Cavalier/champion-stranger 10
Female LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +17; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +5
AC 33, touch 22, flat-footed 26 (+6 armor, +3 deflection, +7 Dex, +2 insight, +5 natural)
hp 243 (20d8+100+50)
Fort 15, Ref 23, Will 21. +4 vs. bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects. +2 trait bonus vs. fear and compulsion effects
Defensive Abilities endure elements (magic ring), force of will, hard to kill, immortal, inscrutable, lion’s call +8 (20 rounds), mythic saves, celestial word (100 ft. cone, 10d10 damage, DC 28), painful reckoning, recuperation, unstoppable, well-versed
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +4 brilliant energy rapier +28/+23/+18 (1d6+16, 18-20) or +5 sparkwave starknife +29/+24/+19 (1d4+17)
Ranged +5 sparkwave starknife +29/+24/+19 (1d4+17)
Special Attacks bardic performance 50 rounds/day (countersong, deadly performance [DC 28], devilbane refrain, distraction, inspire competence +10, inspire courage +4, inspire greatness [4 allies], inspire heroics [6 allies], limning verse [60 ft. range], shattering crescendo, soothing performance [3d8+15]), challenge 1/day (+18 damage, +5 dodge bonus on AC), distant barrage, for the king +8, heavenly choir, mythic power 23/day, ricochet, surge +1d12, unstoppable shot
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +28)
1/day- alter self, commune
Spending mythic power- true strike, shatter (DC 20), rage, inflict critical wounds (DC 22), shout (DC 23), harm (DC 24), disintegrate (DC 25), earthquake (DC 26), implosion (DC 27)
Bard Spells Known (CL 20th; concentration +28)
6th Level (6/day)- analyze dweomer (DC 24), borrowed time, brilliant inspirationM, find the path, getaway
5th Level (6/day)- archon’s trumpet (DC 23), bard’s escape, greater bladed dashM, greater heroismM, resonating word (DC 23)
4th Level (7/day)- brightest light, cure critical wounds, greater path of glory, legend lore, scintillating wallM (DC 22), wandering star motesM (DC 22)
3rd Level (7/day)- arcane concordance, cure serious wounds, daylight, motes of dusk and dawn, spotlight (DC 21), wall of split illumination
2nd Level (7/day)- bladed dashM, cure moderate wounds, flickering lights (DC 20), heroismM, path of glory, planetariumM (DC 20)
1st Level (7/day)- clarion call, cure light wounds, dazzling blade (DC 19), revealing light, songbird, starsightM
0-Level (at will)- dancing lightsM, flare (DC 18), haunted fey aspect, light, message, spark (DC 18)
Str 22, Dex 25, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 21, Cha 27
Base Atk +15; CMB +21; CMD 38 (48 vs. sunder and disarm with light blades)
Traits Authoritarian, Planetar’s Visions
Feats Basic Harmony*, Celestial Guidance, Compelling Harmonies*, Dual PathM, Guided StarM, Mythic Spell LoreM, Starry GraceM, Weapon Finesse, Weapon FocusM (starknife)
Skills Acrobatics +30, Bluff +35, Diplomacy +31, Disguise +31, Intimidate +31, Knowledge (geography) +38/+40, Knowledge (religion) +38, Perform (keyboard) +31, Perform (sing) +31, Sense Motive +35, Stealth +30
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal, Sylvan
SQ amazing initiative, angelic wings 10 min/day, bardic knowledge +10, celestial crusader, dedicated performance +4, greater tactician, jack of all trades, legendary champion, legendary hero, lore master 3/day, mortal herald (Destruction), mythic challenge, mythic weapon training (light blades), order of the lion, supreme tracker, tactician, versatile performance (sing)
Gear amulet of natural armor +5 (50,000 gp), bard’s kit (41 gp), belt of physical perfection +6 (144,000 gp), +4 brilliant energy rapier (128,320 gp), cloak of the dark tapestry (ribbon) (2,500 gp), eastern star (6,000 gp), falcon crown (42,000 gp), headband of mental superiority +6 (144,000 gp), light kit (170 gp), ring of shooting stars (50,000 gp), robe of stars (82,000 gp), +5 sparkwake starknife (101,324 gp), star cinder (50,000 gp), star ring (17,500 gp), wizard’s mail (52,100 gp), writing keytar (10,000 gp), 45 gp.

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