
sabato 19 gennaio 2019

Fireastra-Hime, Deep Space Flower Level 20

Here’s the next Sailor build, featuring one of the less seen warriors, the princess that appeared in the fifth season! Our caper is nearing its end now. She uses the Kami subdomain from Everyman Games for flavor as a “heterodox subdomain” (she grants that but not its associated domain to her followers), in addition to the new rules I created for her.
This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Fireastra-Hime, CR 25
Aasimar (Sekaijin) witch (Cartomancer) 20/archmage 10
Female NG Medium outsider (native)
Init +14; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +4
AC 30, touch 21, flat-footed 24 (+4 armor, +5 deflection, +6 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 160 (20d6+60+30)
Fort +14, Ref +17, Will +21. +1 on Will vs. enchantment effects (Harrowed)
Defensive Abilities force of will, hard to kill, mythic saves, recuperation, unstoppable; Resist acid, cold, and electricity 5, fire 30; SR 22
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee +5 flying dagger +21/+16 (1d4+8)
Ranged +5 flying dagger +21 (1d4+8) or deck of slivering fate +17 (1d4+13)
Special Attacks hexes (ameliorating 20 min/day, aura of purity 20 min/day, harrowing curse (DC 26), lay to rest (DC 26), life giver, major ameliorating, meld with ward 3/day [11 hours], mother’s eye 20 minutes/day, summer’s heat [20 points of damage, DC 26], witch’s bounty), mythic power 23/day, surge +1d12
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th, concentration +26)
1/day- 1st—burning hands (DC 17), endure elements, entangle (DC 17), feather fall, goodberry, protection from evil, sanctuary (DC 17), 2nd—align weapon (good only), barkskin, hypnotic pattern (DC 18), levitate, produce flame, shield other, 3rd—create food and water, fireball (DC 19), fly, magic circle against evil, plant growth, protection from energy, 4th—command plants (DC 20), commune with nature, detonate (fire only) (DC 20), holy smite (DC 20), lesser planar binding (DC 20), spell immunity, wall of fire, 5th—dispel evil (DC 21), fire shield, overland flight, spell resistance, telepathic bond, wall of thorns, 6th—antimagic field, blade barrier (DC 22), fiery blast (DC 122), fire seeds (DC 22), heroes’ feast, planar binding (DC 22), repel wood, 7th—animate plants, elemental body IV (fire only), holy word (DC 23), reverse gravity (DC 23), repulsion (DC 23), sunbeam (DC 23), 8th—control plants (DC 24), greater planar binding (DC 24), holy aura (DC 24), incendiary cloud (DC 24), mind blank, 9th—antipathy (DC 25), elemental swarm (fire spell only), interplanetary teleport, meteor swarm (DC 25), prismatic sphere (DC 25), shambler, summon monster IX (good spell only).
Witch Spell Prepared (CL 20th, concentration +28)
9th Level- communal mind blank, fiery bodyP (CL 30), greater create demiplane, heroic invocationM
8th Level- fey gate, mind blankM, resurrection, trap the soul (DC 27), sunburstP (DC 28)
7th Level- fairy ring retreat, greater age resistance, greater object possessionM, heal, sunbeamP (DC 27)
6th Level- age resistance, greater harrowing, greater heroism, legend loreM, siroccoP M (CL 30, DC 28)
5th Level- break enchantment, contact other plane, cure critical wounds, possess object (DC 24), wall of fireP M (CL 30)
4th Level- cure serious wounds, greater flaming sphereP M (CL 30, DC 26), lesser age resistance, lesser object possession, purge spirit (DC 23), wandering star motes (DC 23)
3rd Level- arcane sight, aura sight, daylightP M, dispel magic, harrowing, heroism
2nd Level- apport object, cure moderate wounds, flaming sphereP M (CL 30, DC 24), garden of peril (DC 21), glitterdust (DC 21), status
1st Level- beguiling gift (DC 20), burning handsM (CL 30, DC 22), cure light wounds, gentle breeze, goodberryP, positive pulse (DC 20)
0-Level- dancing lights, guidance, light, message
Patron Summer

Str 10, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 27, Wis 19, Cha 23
Base Atk +10; CMB +10; CMD 26
Traits Harrow Born, Toshigami’s Scent
Feats Deadly DealerM*, Elemental FocusM (fire), Harrowed, Mythic Spell LoreM, Spell Mastery,  Spirit Talker (whispering leaves hex), Stylized Spell, Stylized Spell Mastery, Stylized Spontaneity, Wake of Scent, Weapon FinesseM, Witch KnifeM
Skills Bluff +29, Diplomacy +30, Fly +33, Heal +27, Knowledge (nature) +31, Knowledge (nobility) +28, Knowledge (planes) +33, Knowledge (religion) +28, Profession (herbalist) +27, Spellcraft +31
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan, Treant
SQ amazing initiative, divine source (x3) (Fire/Summer, Good, Plant/Agriculture, Void/Stars, Protection/Kami), eldritch flight, elemental bond (fire), energy conversion, heavenborn, immortal, legendary hero, mythic hexes (x2), mythic sustenance, spell deck, star walker, true archmage, wild arcana
Gear amulet of natural armor +5 (50,000 gp), belt of incredible dexterity +6 (36,000 gp), censer of sanctuary (18,000 gp), cloak of heavenly fire (6,000 gp), corset of dire witchcraft (22,000 gp), +5 flying dagger (200,302 gp), deck of slivering fate (13,000), dryad sandals (24,000), headband of mental superiority +6 (144,000 gp), hexing runes (10,000 gp), incense of golden embers (2,800 gp), last leaves of the autumn dryad (52,000 gp), ring of resumption (30,800 gp), ring of splendid security (180,000 gp), major rod of interminable hexes (55,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp), prophetic paraphernalia (2,000 gp), staff of fire (18,950 gp), vambraces of the genie (efreeti) (14,400 gp), witch’s kit (21 gp)

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