
mercoledì 26 dicembre 2018

Greek/Roman Deities: Kronos/Saturn

Seasonal Greetings to all! In December, the ancient celebrated the holiday called Saturnalia, when the world briefly returned to the golden age, the kingdom of the First King, Saturn, when the earth gave spontaneously her fruits and there were neither slaves nor masters. With the winter solstice time renewes, a new beginning comes, and the god who simbolizes Time -brother of Janus, the god of endings and beginnings- is honored.
If there is a Roman deity that is completely different from its Greek analogue, this is Saturn. He was seen as the ancient, benevolent sovereign of a realm of abundance (his name means (“bountiful”, “plentiful”) and his portfolio included earth and fertility. In the Saturnalia time, slaves could give orders and chide their masters without fear of reprobation. If anything, Saturn resembled a faerie king of old.
The Greek Kronos (“Time”), on the other hand, was a totally negative figure. Chief of the Titans, he brought time in the world by defeating and emasculating his father Uranus (thus creating mortality and the ravages of time), and devoured his own children to avoid being dispossessed by one of them, like Time devours the same things it creates. Kronos disrupts the primordial, stagnant order that did not permit new things to be born, but also creates the tyranny of chaos and decay, from which his son Zeus later will save the world by  the new order of Olympus. Imprisoned with the other Titans at the end of a bloody war between old and new deities, Kronos, according to the Roman legend, instead escaped to Latium where he became the good king Saturn, guardian of a lost, prosperous era and giver of laws.
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Kronos (CE)
Favored Weapon: scythe
Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil, Nobility, [Time]
Subdomains: Cannibalism, Catastrophe, Demodand, Entropy, Hubris, Murder
Druidic Domains: Erosion, Ruins
Inquisitions: Clandestine, Conversion, Execution, Sedition, [Slayer]
Mysteries/Spirits: Time
Witch Patron: [Death], Entropy, [Omens], Rot, Time, Vengeance
Alternate Channeling: Death, Destruction, Revenge/Vengeance
Clergy: clerics, druids (very few), inquisitors, oracles, warpriests, witches, zealots

Saturn (CG)
Favored Weapon: scythe
Domains: Chaos, Earth, Good, Nobility, Plant
Subdomains: Agathion, Aristocracy, Azata, Growth, [Harvest], Revelry, Whimsy
Druidic Domains: none
Inquisitions: Conversion, [Nature]
Mysteries/Spirits: Ancestor, Nature, Whimsy
Witch Patron: Ancestors, Plant, Portents
Alternate Channeling: Nature, Rulership
Clergy: clerics, druids, inquisitors (very few), oracles, shamans, witches

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