
sabato 17 novembre 2018

New "Exit": The Merry Rider Mountebank for Spheres of Power Wiki

And now for something completely different... No, seriously, I'm briefly interrupting the latest build series to make you aware of a new "publication" on the Spheres of Power Wiki.
Those of you that follow me often may know about my interest and curiosity for the Drop Dead Studios' alternate magic (and combat talents) system for Pathfinder. It is very flexible if a little weaker than the ortodox system, and maybe a good way to obtain all the quirks I want for my characters without too many twists and houserules. The Wiki is very neat and a good online source for mythic 3PP Pathfinder material, so I visit it often (and I link it often too for my mythic builds).
So, since the admins launched the Character Creation Event a while ago, I itched to try a few sphere character build of my own, also to see if I could really create "all that I wanted" with this system.
Here's the first result: for the Mountebank class from Lost Spheres Publishing's Lost Champions, I give you the Merry Rider, or Dionysian/Trickster Mountebank with a giant cat bonded creature. My faithful readers may recognize him as the "cat rider" I was trying to create with the Talented Adventurers rules and my own houserules for quite a time now. I pretty much like this version of him, and hopefully it will not be my first and last contribution to the site.
A "new exit" also means a new patron-only content on my Patreon page tomorrow! It will be exclusive homemade content for the Spheres system, and won't be disclosed for the blog readers, so if you want to read it, please donate!

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