
mercoledì 5 settembre 2018

New Feat: Cleaving Charge & Mythic Overrun/Charge Feat Chain

I almost had thought that I wouldn't have needed additional houserules to complete my latest Sailor build, but... that's not the case. I wanted her to be able to sweep among enemies cutting them one after another with her scimitar as she does in the anime, but there's no Cleaving Charge feat in Pathfinder... just a slightly different version for dwarves.
So of course I created the feat. AND its mythic version. And while I researched to make them, I realized something else... No 3PP ever has created mythic versions of Great Cleave and Greater Overrun. Did they forget or did they think those would be too powerful? However, I couldn't leave that hole in mythic rules. So here they are too, and next time you will see how I used them in the build.

Cleaving Charge (Combat)
You leave a trail of wounded enemies behind you when you charge.
Prerequisites: Charge Through, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Overrun, Greater Overrun
Benefit: When you charge, you may try to use Cleave on the first enemy you successfully overrun and don’t knock prone. If you hit, you can continue to attack other overrun enemies until the end of the charge, regardless of their positions.

Mythic Cleaving Charge (Combat, Mythic)
Each fallen enemy increases your fury against the target of your charge.
Prerequisites: Cleaving Charge
Benefit: For every creature you successfully hit with Cleaving Charge, you gain a +1 bonus on your attack roll and a +2 bonus on your damage roll against the final target of your charge. If the charge is interrupted, these bonuses are lost. If you have the Pummeling Charge feat or another ability that lets you make more than one attack at the end of a charge, the bonuses granted by Mythic Cleaving Charge only apply to your first attack.

Mythic Great Cleave (Combat, Mythic)
You cut down all enemies around you with one hit.
Prerequisite: Great Cleave
Benefits: When using Great Cleave, if your initial attack hits, you can make a single attack against every opponent within your reach, regardless of their respective positions and if you hit or not each of them.

Mythic Greater Overrun (Combat, Mythic)
You knock down foes as you pass, barely noticing them.
Prerequisites: Greater Overrun, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6, Str 13.
Benefit: Attacks of opportunity made against foes you knocked down with a successful overrun maneuver don’t count against your daily limit.

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