
domenica 16 settembre 2018

Elemental Implement Schools, Part I: Air

So... I was telling you how difficult it was to decide the race and class for my next build. I had the most difficulties with the class. My idea was to make each Sailor of a different race (but all planetouched) and a different class... I tried with a witch, a magus or an inquisitor for this one, but they didn't seem to fit! She couldn't be a pure spellcaster because she has some strength in combat as well. I liked the occultist idea, because of her obvious psychic powers, but the elementalist archetypes from Paizo or 3PP were not enough specialized. She couldn't be a Sha'ir, that has three elemental schools and a familiar.
And then I thought: why can't there be elemental implement schools? And I couldn't think to a valid reason. So I decided to make them myself- all four, even if I would only have to use one. Here they are, one at a time.
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Elemental Implement Schools

Elemental arcane schools have their implement versions for occultists of different cultures and convictions. Any occultist (or other character with access to implement schools) may select an elemental implement school in place of one of the more common schools. Occultists who select an elemental school can add spells from any spell list with the corresponding descriptor to their known spells list.
Some elemental school implements are the same as those used for  traditional arcane schools. If an occultist chooses the same kind of item as her daily implement  for more than one school, she has to possess one item of that kind for each implement school it is associated to. She can freely choose which item to associate to each school each day, but no implement can give access to more than one set of spells and focus powers.

Air Implements

Air implements are items related to air, flight, gravity, and breath. Conjuration, enchantment, and illusion are the most common powers associated with air.

Implement(s): Censer, feather, gem, leaf, mantle.

Resonant Power(s): Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an air implement, the implement grants the following resonant power. The implement’s bearer gains the benefits of this power until the occultist refreshes his focus.

Aerial Agility (Ex): The implement increases the fly prowess of its bearer. The implement grants a +1 competence bonus on Fly checks per 2 points of mental focus stored in it, to a maximum bonus equal to the occultist’s level. If the occultist is 5th level or higher and stores at least 6 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants the effects of feather fall. If the occultist is 11th level or higher and stores at least 10 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants the effects of tailwind.

Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use earth implements gain the following focus power.

Fly On The Wind (Sp): As a standard action, you may spend 1 point of mental focus to summon a wind to transport you. This functions as the carrying wind spell, except it lasts 1 minute per occultist level you possess. if you are 7th level or more, the effect lasts 10 minutes per occultist level you possess.

Focus Powers: In addition to gaining the base focus power, occultists who learn to use air implements can select from the following focus powers when choosing the powers gained from their focus powers class feature.

Airy Barrier (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to surround yourself with a wall of protective air that functions as the wind wall spell. You must be at least 5th level to select this focus power.

Air Blast (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend 2 points of mental focus to create a blast of air. This functions as the blast of wind spell. You must be at least 7th level to select this focus power.

Control Winds (Sp): As a standard action, you may spend 2 points of mental focus to control force and direction of the wind in the surrounding area. This functions as the control winds spell, except it’s always centered on you and lasts 1 minute per occultist level you possess. You must be at least 7th level to select this focus power.

Gift of Breath (Su): As a standard action, you may spend 1 point of mental focus to create a sphere of clean, breathable air around the head of a touched creature. This effect lasts 1 minute per occultist level you possess, and allows to breathe underwater or in environments without air, and to resist suffocation or adverse effects of cloud spells (but not to see through smoke, fog, or polluted air). At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, you can protect one additional creature.

Mini Tornado (Su): As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to create a small cyclone that you can move with your mind. The mini tornado is 1 ft. wide at base, 1,5 ft. wide at top, and 1,5 ft. tall; it moves at a speed of 10 feet on land or water. Directing the cyclone's movement or changing its programmed movement is a standard action. The cyclone always moves during your turn. If the cyclone goes farther than 60 feet from you, it moves in a random, uncontrolled fashion for 1d3 rounds and then dissipates. Any Medium or smaller creature that comes in contact with the spell effect must succeed on a Reflex save or take 1d6 points of damage. The whirlwind lasts for a number of round equal to your occultist level.

Suffocate (Su): As a standard action, you can spend 1 point of mental focus to remove all air from a limited area, forcing one creature to hold its breath or begin to suffocate. This effect lasts for 1 round per occultist level you possess. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, you may cause an additional creature to suffocate.

Sacred Implement

Rainbow Feather
Deity Shelyn; Implement feather; Opposition School earth
Scented Breeze (Su): As a standard action, you can spend 1 point of mental focus to be surrounded by a sweet-perfumed wind that clouds the mind and rouses the emotions of people around you. Every creature that could be sexually attracted by you sees you as the most perfect and desirable being in existence, according to their personal desires and preferences, and acts as under the influence of charm monster for 10 minutes per occultist level you possess.

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