
mercoledì 26 settembre 2018

New Occultist's Panoply: Sacred Seasinger's Accoutrements

Elemental implement schools for occultists were a must for the next character build I had in mind, but they were not enough! Here's a specialized new panoply fit for the character that I'll begin presenting next time.
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Sacred Seasinger’s Accoutrements
This panoply is associated with merfolk, naiads, sirens and other legendary singers and diviners of the sea.

Implements: Headband (divination), mirror (water), and musical instrument (enchantment).

Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into all of the associated implements, the panoply grants the following resonant power. The panoply’s bearer gains the benefits of this power until the occultist refreshes his focus.

Sage of the Sea (Su): The panoply grants a +1 sacred bonus on Perform, Sense Motive, and Swim checks for every 3 points of total mental focus invested in all of the associated implements, to a maximum bonus equal to half the occultist’s level. If the occultist is at least 9th level, the panoply’s bearer can see her wherever she is once per day, as locate creature.

Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use this panoply gain the following focus power.

Enchanting Performance (Su): As a move action, you can expend 1 mental focus point to gain a single bardic masterpiece, treating your occultist level as your bard level for the purpose of qualifying for it. You spend points of mental focus instead of rounds of bardic performance and must succeed at the appropriate Perform skill check to use this masterpiece. You retain the gained masterpiece for 1 minute, after which it fades even if you didn’t use it yet.

Focus Powers: In addition to the base focus power, occultists who learn to use this panoply can select the following focus powers when choosing powers gained from their focus powers class feature.

Past Life (Sp): By taking a standard action and expending 1 point of mental focus, you can discover a great deal of information about a creature touching you or one of the panoply’s implements. This functions as per psychic reading (using your occultist level as the caster level), except that you can also discover if the target has more than a name or alignment (as in a vigilante’s dual identity). In this case, the target is allowed a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half your occultist level + your Intelligence modifier) to avoid having its dual identity discovered. If you expend an additional point of mental focus, you can have a vision of a particularly significant scene of the target’s past, even if you don’t know automatically its meaning or the identity of involved creatures. You only see this scene as an image, without sounds.

See Through Illusion (Sp): As a standard action, you can spend 2 points of mental focus to detect invisible and disguised creatures in a 30 ft. radius as with detect magic. You see through magical disguises and polymorphs too if the effect’s equivalent spell level is equal or less than ½ your occultist level. The true form appears as a ghostly overlay on the creature’s disguised appearance.
Song of the Siren (Sp): As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can spend 1 point of mental focus to weave a haunting melody that calls the ocean’s waves. All creatures within 30 feet that can hear your music suffer 1d6 points of energy damage, plus an additional 1d6 points for every 2 occultist levels you possess beyond 1st. Half this damage is cold damage, and half sonic damage. Each affected creature can attempt a Fort save to halve the damage.

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