
domenica 3 giugno 2018

New Exits: Pathways #77, "Peace"

The new issue of Pathways is out! The theme is "Peace" and it's always been one of my favorites. So when Miranda Russell and Dave Paul asked me to collaborate to more issues of their magazine, I had to choose this one. In my piece "With The Olive or Under The Whip", about pacifist priests, I put some very old ideas on pacifist subdomains, my love for the unjustly interrupted series on divine channeling rules by Jonathan McAnulty, and even the Compassionate curse for oracles that I already had published on the blog (I made the corrections suggested by Endzeitgeist for it...). Some of the rules in this article will appear again in my next project to be published for Rite... so please read this (it's free) and wait for the rest!

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