
sabato 16 dicembre 2017

New Feats for Alchemists

Potions & Poisons is a much welcome book! It fills some long-time gaps in alchemical material for Pathfinder, like the Fermenter archetype and tinctures- if barbarian and monks can have drunk powers, why in the earth couldn’t alchemists?!
Another most interesting thing is the welcome introduction of “meta-alchemical” feats. Since alchemists are not considered casters, they couldn't apply metamagic effects to their extracts until now. I like the Vaporous Potion feat the most, another one which feels a gap- why the blazes an alchemist shouldn’t be able to throw a potion to someone as a splash weapon?! This is something I always wanted to do!
Now there’s only the next logical step to make... throwing extracts too!

Vaporous Extract
You can throw an extract to your target.
Prerequisites: Vaporous Potion, able to create 1st-level extracts.
Benefits: You can throw an extract you prepared, applying the same rules as in the Vaporous Potion feat.

Vaporous Cloud
Your thrown potions create a cloud, affecting more targets.
Prerequisites: Vaporous Extract, Vaporous Potion, able to create 3rd-level extracts
Benefits: A potion or extract you throw creates a cloud with a 15 ft. radius. Everyone in the cloud is affected by the potion or extract effect.
A potion or extract treated to create a vaporous cloud is considered as having +2 spell levels for the purpose of crafting or extract slot consumed.

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