
giovedì 5 ottobre 2017

The Godstouched feat chain

I love hybrid archetypes and feats, as any other class feature enabling a character to gain the abilities of another class. For example, my builds use Eldritch Heritage a great deal.
So I also love very much the Variant Multiclass rules from Pathfinder Unchained. I only find that they can be someone a little too heavy. Maybe you want just a feature or two from another class, or you don't want to give up five feats for abilities that you want to use only in part.
Luckily, by comparing the Eldritch Heritage feat chain and the Variant Multiclass Sorcerer, it's pretty easy to break every variant multiclass in a comparable five feat chain, allowing to a character to take as much or less as they want of another class' powers. Here's an example for one of my favored classes, the oracle.

Gods gave you a sign of their favor, and at the same time a trial.
Benefit: Select an oracle’s curse you don’t already possess. You gain all effects of the curse, treating your effective oracle level as equal to ½ your character level. If the curse grants spells to add to the oracle’s known spells list, you instead gain these spells as spell-like abilities usable once per day.

Godstouched Focus
Your cursed blessing becomes stronger.
Prerequisites: Cha 16, Godstouched character level 11th.
You add 5 to your effective oracle level for the purposes of determining the effects of the curse's you gained with the Godstouched feat.

Mysteriously Chosen
The gods granted you a fraction of power.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Godstouched, character level 3rd.
Benefit: Select one oracle mystery. This mystery cannot be a mystery you already have. You gain one revelation from the chosen mystery that is available to a 1st-level oracle. For purposes of using that revelation, treat your oracle level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in oracle.

Mysteriously Elected
Your divine power is growing.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, Godstouched, Mysteriously Chosen, character level 9th.
Benefit: You gain a new revelation from the mystery you selected with the Mysteriously Chosen feat. This revelation must be available to a 7th-level oracle. For purposes of using that revelation, treat your oracle level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in oracle.

Mysteriously Sanctioned
Your divine revelations are stronger than ever.
Prerequisites: Cha 17, Godstouched, Godstouched Focus, Mysteriously Chosen, Mysteriously Elected, character level 15th.
Benefit: You gain an additional revelation from the mystery you selected with the Mysteriously Chosen feat. This revelation must be available to an 11th-level oracle. For purposes of using that revelation, treat your character level as your oracle level for all your revelations granted by this feat, Mysteriously Chosen, and Mysteriously Elected.

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