
sabato 31 agosto 2024

Expanded Bloodragers 2 for Pathfinder Infinite Is Out!

Well, this appears to be my last product for Pathfinder Infinite (even if I hope things may change in the next weeks).

In Expanded Bloodragers 2 you will find nine new bloodrager bloodlines (boreal, daemon, dreamspun, deep earth, imperious, protean, serpentine, starsoul, unicorn), the related blood rage powers chains for barbarians (plus the Aberrant Blood and Destined Blood rage powers chains that were missing), and some additional content for mythic and Spheres rules. Please enjoy it!

And please come tomorrow to see a bit of exclusive content for you on my Patreon page.

Farewell (I hope just goodbye) Pathfinder Infinite for PF1, I loved you.

mercoledì 28 agosto 2024

Gunnar Full Barbarian, 20th Level

 And here’s my hero at his full power if he stays a full barbarian.

Will there be a level 21? He’s already 70. He could be the first one of the party to pass the door. But I’ll make sure he does in a way worthy of him.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Gunnar Einarson CR 25

Male venerable barbarian (Armored Hulk) 20/guardian 10

NG Medium humanoid (human)

Init +13, amazing initiative; Senses Perception


AC 41, touch 16, flat-footed 40 (+18 armor, +5 deflection, +1 Dex, +7 shield), +6 insight vs. critical hit confirmation from outsiders or aberrations while raging (world serpent totem unity), +6 vs. critical hit confirmation rolls (resilience of steel), +3 insight vs. outsiders or aberrations while raging (world serpent totem), +1 vs. charge attacks (indomitable stance), -2 while raging

hp 427 (20d12+240+50+2)

Fort +27, Ref +15, Will +19. +13 vs. spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities (superstition); +10 vs. mind-affecting effects (adamantine mind); +4 Fort vs. nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments or suffocation (Endurance); +4 vs. enchantment while raging (indomitable will); +3 vs. spells and effects with an alignment descriptor or coming from an outsider or aberration while raging (world serpent spirit); +3 morale on Will while raging; +2 competence vs. acid- or earth- based effects (magic sword); +1 on Ref vs. trample attacks (indomitable stance)

Defensive Abilities guardian’s call (absorb blow, -35), earth protection, ferocity (juggernaut’s pauldrons), force of will, hard to kill, immortal, invincible stand, mythic resolve, mythic saves, recuperation, rock catching (Medium), true defender, unstoppable, world’s heart; DR 5/—, 10/epic when under 0 hp


Speed 40 ft.

Melee +5 defending guardian neutralizing planar broadsword +36/+31/+26/+21 (2d4+14), +40/+35/+30/+25 (chaotic, evil, good, and lawful, 2d4+18) while raging, +37/+32/+27/+22 (2d4+15) or +41/+36/+31/+26 (2d4+19) vs. charging creatures, +1d6 damage vs. earth creatures; unarmed strike  +31/+31/+26/+21/+16 (1d4+13, chaotic, evil, good, and lawful) while raging, +32/+32/+27/+22/+17 (1d4+14) vs. charging creatures

Ranged rock +24 (2d4+13)

Special Attacks greater rage, mighty rage, mythic power 23/day, rage 52 rounds/day, rage powers (auspicious mark, brawler, greater brawler, intimidating glare [helm of fearsome mien], moment of clarity, perfect clarity, superstition +13, ultimate clarity, world serpent spirit, world serpent totem, world serpent totem unity), rock throwing (Medium, 300 ft.), surge +1d12

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +24)

At will (spending mythic power)- magic stone, soften earth and stone, stone shape, spike stones (DC 18), telepathic bond, sending, wall of stone (DC 19), stoneskin, elemental body IV (earth only), earthquake (DC 22), elemental swarm (earth only)

3/day- sift

2/day- mind thrust (DC 18)

1/day- commune


Str 29, Dex 17, Con 30, Int 24, Wis 22, Cha 19

Base Atk +20; CMB +30 (+31 with overrun, +32 with sunder); CMD 51 (52 vs. overrun)

Traits Armor Expert, Bred for War

Feats Bear’s Balance, Cleave, Diehard, Endurance, Extra Path AbilityM, Iron WillM, Power AttackM, Psychic Sensitivity, Psychic Adept, Psychic Disciple, ToughnessM, Weapon FocusM (broadsword)

Skills Climb +32, Diplomacy +24, Intimidate +28/+30, Knowledge (geography) +27, Knowledge (local) +27, Knowledge (nature) +30, Perception +29, Profession (mariner) +26, Sense Motive +26, Survival +29, Swim +32/+36

Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Halfling, Northern Common, Orc, Terran

SQ armored swiftness, improved armored swiftness, indomitable stance, legendary hero, path abilities (adamantine mind +10, armored might +5, earth protection, invincible stand, mighty hurler x3, mortal herald [Earth], mythic resolve, telepathic mindlink, world’s heart +5), tireless rage

Gear +5 defending guardian neutralizing planar broadsword (162,320 gp), +5 adamant fitting impervious stoneplate (67,950 gp), +5 bolstering greater guarding heavy wooden shield (64,157 gp), barbarian’s kit (9 gp), belt of physical perfection +6 (144,000 gp), boots of the earth (5,000 gp), bracelets of stone (26,760 gp), cloak of resistance +5 (25,000 gp), headband of mental superiority +6 (144,000 gp), helm of fearsome mien (5,000 gp), juggernaut’s pauldrons (40,000 gp), mantle of immortality (50,000 gp), ring of protection +5 (50,000 gp), staff of earth and stone (85,800 gp), stonefist gloves (10,000 gp), 4 gp

domenica 25 agosto 2024

Gunnar, Full Barbarian

When I first created Gunnar in AD&D, he was a fighter with the Berserker archetype. I later read the Psionic’s Handbook and rolled for all my characters for psionic wild talents. He was the only one who received them. I incorporated this in my novel’s story.

When I converted him to Pathfinder, it was a pain to find a way to fit his powers in, even when occult Powers and abilities were added to the system. Some of them could be covered by mythic path abilities, but I wanted them to be more of that. And the Psychic Disciple feat was not enough.

Finally, I wrote him as an Esoteric Knight. But he has not been a “biclass psionic” before, either. That was too much power.

So I am trying again, combining Psychic Disciple with mythic abilities and more. Here are his new 19th-level stats. Maybe this version is closer to the original? Which one do you prefer?

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Gunnar Einarson CR 22

Male old barbarian (Armored Hulk) 19/guardian 7

NG Medium humanoid (human)

Init +9, amazing initiative; Senses Perception +21


AC 38, touch 14, flat-footed 37 (+17 armor, +3 deflection, +1 Dex, +7 shield), +6 insight vs. critical hit confirmation from outsiders or aberrations while raging (world serpent totem unity), +6 vs. critical hit confirmation rolls (resilience of steel), +3 insight vs. outsiders or aberrations while raging (world serpent totem), +1 vs. charge attacks (indomitable stance), -2 while raging

hp 336 (19d12+171+35+1)

Fort +22, Ref +12, Will +14. +12 vs. spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities (superstition); +7 vs. mind-affecting effects (adamantine mind); +4 Fort vs. nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments or suffocation (Endurance); +4 vs. enchantment while raging (indomitable will); +3 vs. spells and effects with an alignment descriptor or coming from an outsider or aberration while raging (world serpent spirit); +3 morale on Will while raging; +2 competence vs. acid- or earth- based effects (magic sword); +1 on Ref vs. trample attacks (indomitable stance)

Defensive Abilities guardian’s call (absorb blow, -35), ferocity (juggernaut’s pauldrons), force of will, hard to kill, mythic resolve, mythic saves, recuperation, rock catching (Medium); DR 5/—, 10/epic when under 0 hp


Speed 40 ft.

Melee +5 defending guardian neutralizing planar broadsword +33/+28/+23/+18 (2d4+12), +36/+31/+26/+21 (chaotic, evil, good, and lawful, 2d4+15) while raging, +34/+28/+24/+19 (2d4+13) or +37/+32/+27/+22 (2d4+16) vs. charging creatures, +1d6 damage vs. earth creatures; unarmed strike  +27/+27/+22/+17/+12 (1d4+10, chaotic, evil, good, and lawful) while raging, +28/+28/+23/+18/+13 (1d4+11) vs. charging creatures

Ranged rock +22 (2d4+10)

Special Attacks greater rage, mythic power 17/day, rage 47 rounds/day, rage powers (auspicious mark, brawler, greater brawler, intimidating glare [helm of fearsome mien], moment of clarity, perfect clarity, superstition +12, world serpent spirit, world serpent totem, world serpent totem unity), rock throwing (Medium, 210 ft.), surge +1d10

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 19th; concentration +23)

At will (spending mythic power)- magic stone, soften earth and stone, stone shape, spike stones (DC 18), telepathic bond (CL 14), sending (CL 14), wall of stone (DC 19), stoneskin, elemental body IV (earth only)

3/day- sift

2/day- mind thrust (DC 14)

1/day- commune


Str 24, Dex 14, Con 25, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 18

Base Atk +19; CMB +27 (+28 with overrun, +30 with sunder); CMD 42 (43 vs. overrun)

Traits Armor Expert, Bred for War

Feats Bear’s Balance, Cleave, Diehard, Endurance, Extra Path AbilityM, Iron WillM, Power Attack, Psychic Sensitivity, Psychic Adept, Psychic Disciple, ToughnessM, Weapon FocusM (broadsword)

Skills Climb +29, Intimidate +27/+29, Knowledge (nature) +25, Perception +24, Profession (mariner) +21, Sense Motive +21, Survival +24, Swim +29/+33

Languages Common, Giant, Halfling, Northern Common, Terran

SQ armored swiftness, improved armored swiftness, indomitable stance, path abilities (adamantine mind +7, armored might +3, mighty hurler x3, mortal herald [Earth], mythic resolve, telepathic mindlink), tireless rage

Gear +5 defending guardian neutralizing planar broadsword (162,320 gp), +5 adamant fitting impervious stoneplate (67,950 gp), +5 bolstering greater guarding heavy wooden shield (64,157 gp), barbarian’s kit (9 gp), belt of physical perfection +6 (144,000 gp), boots of the earth (5,000 gp), bracelets of stone (26,760 gp), cloak of resistance +4 (16,000 gp), headband of alluring charisma +6 (36,000 gp), helm of fearsome mien (5,000 gp), juggernaut’s pauldrons (40,000 gp), ring of protection +3 (18,000 gp), staff of earth and stone (85,800 gp), stone salve (4,000 gp), stonefist gloves (10,000 gp), 4 gp

sabato 24 agosto 2024

Gunnar Einarson, 20th Level (Esoteric Knight)

This is one of the characters I struggled more with when I set to convert them from AD&D to Pathfinder, and maybe the struggle is not over yet. This is the 20th level version of the latest stats I made for him on the blog, but I have still another version of him to show you.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Gunnar Einarson CR 25

Male venerable barbarian (Armored Hulk) 12/esoteric knight 5/psychic 3/guardian 7

NG Medium humanoid (human)

Init +13, amazing initiative; Senses Perception +29


AC 40, touch 15, flat-footed 39 (+18 armor, +4 deflection, +1 Dex, +7 shield), +6 insight vs. critical hit confirmation from outsiders or aberrations while raging (world serpent totem unity), +4 vs. critical hit confirmation rolls (resilience of steel), +3 insight vs. outsiders or aberrations while raging (world serpent totem), +1 vs. charge attacks (indomitable stance), -2 while raging

hp 385 (12d12+3d6+4d10+220+50)

Fort +26, Ref +14, Will +22. +10 vs. mind-affecting effects (adamantine mind); +9 vs. spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities (superstition); +4 Fort vs. nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments or suffocation (Endurance); +3 vs. spells and effects with an alignment descriptor or coming from an outsider or aberration while raging (world serpent spirit); +3 morale on Will while raging; +2 competence vs. acid- or earth- based effects (magic sword); +1 on Ref vs. trample attacks (indomitable stance)

Defensive Abilities emotional push 1/day (+4), earth protection, ferocity, force of will, greater rage, hard to kill, immortal, invincible stand, mythic saves, rage 50 rounds/day, recuperation, rock catching (Medium), true defender, unstoppable, world’s heart; DR 2/—, 10/epic when under 0 hp


Speed 40 ft.

Melee +5 defending guardian neutralizing planar broadsword +34/+29/+24/+19 (2d4+14), +37/+32/+27/+22 (chaotic, evil, good, and lawful, 2d4+18) while raging, +35/+31/+25/+20 (2d4+15)  or +38/+33/+28/+23 (2d4+19)  vs. charging creatures, +1d6 damage vs. earth creatures; unarmed strike  +28/+28/+23/+18/+13, (1d4+13, chaotic, evil, good, and lawful) while raging, +29/+29/+24/+19/+14 (1d4+14) vs. charging creatures

Ranged rock +22 (2d4+13)

Special Attacks mythic power 23/day, rock throwing (Medium, 300 ft.), surge +1d12

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +24)

At will (spending mythic power)- magic stone, soften earth and stone, stone shape, spike stones (DC 18), telepathic bond, sending, wall of stone (DC 19), stoneskin, elemental body IV (earth only), earthquake (DC 22), elemental swarm (earth only)

1/day- commune, detect thoughts (CL 3)

Psychic Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +12)

2nd Level (6/day)- mindshock, share memory (DC 19)

1st Level (8/day)- burst of adrenaline, charm person (DC 18), mindlink, mind thrust I (DC 14), psychic reading

0-Level (at will)- detect magic, detect psychic significance, know direction, message, resistance, sift

Discipline Rapport


Str 29, Dex 17, Con 30, Int 24, Wis 22, Cha 19

Base Atk +18; CMB +28 (+29 with overrun, +33 with sunder); CMD 45 (46 vs. overrun)

Traits Armor Expert, Bred for War

Feats Bear’s Balance*, Cleave, Diehard, Endurance, Extra Path AbilityM, Extra RageM, Extra Rage Power (x3), Great Cleave*, Iron Will, Mad Magic*, Power AttackM, ToughnessM, Weapon FocusM (broadsword)

Skills Climb +32, Handle Animal +24, Intimidate +28/+30, Knowledge (geography) +30, Knowledge (local) +30, Knowledge (nature) +30, Knowledge (religion) +27, Perception +29, Profession (mariner) +29, Sense Motive +29, Survival +29, Swim +32/+36

Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Halfling, Northern Common, Orc, Terran

SQ armored swiftness, emotional bond (4 allies), guardian’s call (absorb blow, -50), improved armored swiftness, indomitable stance, legendary hero, path abilities (adamantine mind +10, armored might +5, earth protection, invincible stand, mighty hurler x3, mortal herald [Earth], mythic resolve, telepathic mindlink, world’s heart +5), phrenic amplifications (defensive prognostication, mindtouch), phrenic pool (5 points), psychic esoterica (battle mind, phantom’s armory), rage powers (auspicious mark, brawler, greater brawler, intimidating glare [helm of fearsome mien], moment of clarity, perfect clarity, superstition +9, world serpent spirit, world serpent totem, world serpent totem unity)

Gear +5 defending guardian neutralizing planar broadsword (162,320 gp), +5 adamant fitting impervious stoneplate (67,950 gp), +5 bolstering greater guarding heavy wooden shield (64,157 gp), barbarian’s kit (9 gp), belt of physical perfection +6 (144,000 gp), boots of the earth (5,000 gp), bracelets of stone (26,760 gp), cloak of resistance +4 (16,000 gp), headband of mental superiority +6 (144,000 gp), helm of fearsome mien (5,000 gp), juggernaut’s pauldrons (40,000 gp), mantle of immortality (50,000 gp), ring of phrenic prowess (20,000 gp), ring of protection +4 (32,000 gp), staff of earth and stone (85,800 gp), stonefist gloves (10,000 gp), wavecutter’s figurine (6,000 gp).

mercoledì 21 agosto 2024

Lady Fiona Wylde, 20th Level

This version of Fiona was an all-rounded warpriest, so now she achieves the peak of her power.

What will she become at 21th level, if ever she gets there? I still don’t know. Any suggestions?

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Lady Fiona Wylde (CR 25)

Female middle-aged half–elf warpriest 20 (Shieldbearer)/guardian 10

CG Medium humanoid (elf, human)

Init +14, amazing initiative; Senses low–light vision, Perception +21

Aura chaos and good


AC 38, touch 20, flat–footed 37 (+11 armor, +1 Dex, +5 natural, +9 shield); +4 expending mythic power (sudden block); +9 vs. critical hit confirmation rolls (Shield Specialization, Mythic Greater Shield Specialization,); +2 deflection bonus for 20 min. spending one use of channel energy (Channeled Shield Wall)

Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +20. +9 on a Fort or Ref save expending mythic power (Mythic Shield Focus); +2 (plus feat effects) on Ref saves vs. area of effect attacks (Covering Shield); +2 vs. effects from Plane of Fire creatures, -2 vs. water or cold effects (magic ring); +2 racial bonus vs. enchantment spells and effects.

hp 245 (20d8+100+ 50+2)

Defensive Abilities defy death, force of will, hard to kill, immortal, mythic resolve, mythic saves, recuperation, sacred shield +5, sacrificial shield, strength of will (major blessing), true defender, unstoppable; SR 15 (magic shield), Resist fire 30 (magic armor and ring); Immune fear, sleep, staggering


Speed 30 ft.

Melee +5 flaming sacred longsword +31/+26/+21 (chaotic/good, 1d8+16 +1d6 fire, 19–20), +5 bashing spell resistance 15 lion’s shield, shield bash +31/+26/+21 (chaotic/good, 2d8+17 + bull rush [Shield Slam]), dagger +24/+19/+14 (chaotic/good, 1d4+9, 19–20)

Ranged +5 distance planar composite longbow +24/+19/+14 (chaotic/good, 1d8+15, x3)

Special Attacks +4 on attacks vs. Plane of Fire creatures (magic ring), aspect of war, channel energy (7d6, DC 28), channel smite, fervor 18/day (7d6), mythic power 23/day, sacred weapon +5, surge +1d12

Spell–Like Abilities (CL 20th, concentration +24 [+33 to cast defensively])

At Will (spending mythic power)burning hands (DC 15), produce flame, fireball (DC 17), wall of fire, fire shield, fire seeds (DC 20), elemental body IV (fire only), incendiary cloud (DC 22), elemental swarm (fire only); lesser planar ally, planar ally, greater planar ally

1/daybless, commune, plane shift, sanctuary (DC 11)

Warpriest Spells Prepared (level 20th, concentration +28 [+37 to cast defensively])

6th Level– banishment (DC 24), blade barrier (DC 24), forbiddance (DC 24), invoke deity, planar ally, sign of wrath (DC 24)

5th Level– angelic aspect, command, greater (DC 23), dispel evil (DC 23), flame strike (DC 23), righteous might, sanctify weapons (DC 23)

4th Level– blessing of fervor (DC 22), crusader’s edge (DC 22), divine power, flaming aura, holy smite (DC 22), mighty strength, ward shield (DC 22)

3rd Level– contagious zeal, magic circle against evil (DC 21), magic vestment (DC 21), paragon surge, prayer, protection from energy, wrathful mantle (DC 21)

2nd Level– aid, blessing of courage and life (DC 20), martyr’s bargain, owl’s wisdom (DC 20), stalwart resolve (DC 20), surmount affliction, zone of truth (DC 20)

1st Level– bless, command (DC 19), divine favor, magic weapon (DC 19), protection from evil (DC 19), remove fear (DC 19), shield of faith (DC 19)

0th Level– detect magic, guidance (DC 18), light, resistance (DC 18), spark (DC 18)

Blessing Strength/Courage


Str 28, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 17, Wis 27, Cha 18

Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 45

Traits Bastard, Shield Bearer

Feats Bashing FinishM, Blessed Striker, Channel Smite, Channeled Shield Wall (20 min.), Covering Defense (+9), Covering Shield, Defensive Combat Training, Divine Fighting Technique (Vadar’s Destroying Shield– advanced benefits), Greater Shield Focus* (heavy shield), Greater Shield Specialization*M (heavy shield), Greater Weapon Focus* (longsword), Improved Shield Bash*, Missile Shield*, Saving Shield*, Shield FocusM (heavy shield), Shield Master*M, Shield Slam, Shield Specialization*M (heavy shield, 50%), Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Two–Weapon Fighting*, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization* (longsword)

Skills Diplomacy +26/+29, Heal +20, Intimidate +27/+30, Knowledge (local) +13, Knowledge (nobility) +12, Knowledge (planes) +17, Knowledge (religion) +15, Perception +21, Ride +15, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +14, Survival +19

Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan

SQ against all odds (minor blessing, 10 rounds), blessings 13/day, fey thoughts (Knowledge [nature], Perception), guardian’s call (sudden block), legendary hero, path abilities (defy death, farwalker, fearless, indomitable [staggered], interplanar prestige, mortal herald [Fire], mythic resolve, sacrificial shield, shield of the martyr, take the hit), shield adept

Gear +5 flaming sacred longsword (98,315 gp), +5 distance planar composite longbow (+9, 99,300 gp) with 20 arrows (1 gp), dagger (2 gp), +5 bashing spell resistance 15 lion’s shield (100,170 gp), phoenix armor (36,130 gp), amulet of natural armor +5 (50,000 gp), belt of physical perfection +6 (144,000 gp), cassock of the clergy (4,600 gp), elixir of elemental protection (1,800 gp), headband of mental superiority +6 (144,000 gp), necklace with ruby (750 gp), potion of cure serious sounds (750 gp), ring of elemental command (fire, 200,000 gp), warpriest’s kit (16 gp), 66 gp.