
martedì 27 febbraio 2018

Bloodrager Archetype: Disciplined Rager

Here's a magus-like rager that already appeared on the Paizo boards. I made some fixes.

Disciplined Bloodrager
Some bloodragers received a more formal instruction in magic and learned to control their rage in order to create more powerful arcane effects.

Controlled Bloodrage: This is the same ability of the urban bloodrager. It alters bloodrage.
Fury of the Mind: The disciplined bloodrager uses his Intelligence for any bloodrager class feature that normally uses a calculation based on Charisma.
Arcane Pool (Su): At 2nd level, a disciplined bloodrager gains an arcane pool as a magus of his bloodrager level, gaining all the benefits listed with the magus’s arcane pool class feature. If the disciplined bloodrager has levels in magus, his levels in magus and bloodrager stack to determine the number of points and effects of his arcane pool. This ability replaces uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge.
Spells: To learn or cast a spell, a disciplined bloodrager must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level. The DC for a saving throw against a disciplined bloodrager’s spell is 10 + the spell’s level + the disciplined bloodrager’s Intelligence modifier. This modifies and otherwise functions as the bloodrager's spells class feature.
Arcana: Every time the disciplined bloodrager would gain a bloodline feat, he can select a magus arcana instead. He treats his bloodrager level as his magus level for the purpose of selecting and using arcanas.

domenica 25 febbraio 2018

Ranger Combat Style: Finesse

Many rangers are Dexterity-based, so I can’t imagine why there’s not a finesse-based archetype or style for them. Oh, well. Here's to my kid and his elven curve blade. Or saber.

New Ranger Combat Style: Finesse
If the ranger selects finesse, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Agile Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes, Piranha Strike, and Weapon Finesse. At 6th level, he adds Fencing Grace and Slashing Grace to the list. At 10th level, he adds Sliding Dash and Two-Weapon Grace to the list.

venerdì 23 febbraio 2018

Magus Archetype: Eldritch Scholar

You all know that I love hybrid archetypes. And some classes seem made to have them. We have witchlike magi, bardilke magi, so why not arcanist-like magi? Here's another little thing I made for the Paizo boards.

Eldritch Scholar (Magus Archetype)
Some magi deepen their studies in magic, learning how to modify spells and use exploits the way an arcanist does.
Spellcasting: An eldritch scholar prepares and casts spells as an arcanist. Use the bard tables to calculate his allot of prepared and cast spells per day.
Exploits: Starting at 3rd level, an eldritch scholar may gain an arcanist exploit every time he could gain a magus arcana. He can use his arcane pool points as arcane reservoir points to fuel these exploits. At 12th level, the eldritch scholar gains access to greater exploits too.
Consume Spells: At 4th level, the eldritch scholar gains the arcanist's consume spells ability. This replaces spell recall.

mercoledì 21 febbraio 2018

New Familiar: Groundhog

Groundhog Day is already past (we celebrate midwinter differently in Italy, however), but I found nonetheless strange that there are no familiar stats for this pet in Pathfinder. Oh, well. Here they are.

Round shining eyes blink at you before this plump furry animal produces a shrill whistle to alert all its family.

Groundhog, CR 1/6
XP 65
N Tiny animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 20 ft.; Perception +0

AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 size)
hp 5 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0

Speed 20 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Melee bite –1 (1d3–3), 2 claws –1 (1d2–3)
Space 2–1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Str 4, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB –1; CMD 6 (10 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness
Skills Perception +16; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
SQ hold breath

Environment temperate plains, hills, and mountains
Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3–8)
Treasure none

Groundhogs (or whistlepigs, or woodchucks) are burrowing rodents that made their dens underground. Many types of these animals exist, living in different habitats. Groundhogs are typically 16-26 inches long and weigh 4-9 pounds. They are surprisingly good at noticing danger, and use a high-pitched whistle to alert all their colony.
The master of a groundhog familiar gains a +3 bonus on Perception checks.

domenica 18 febbraio 2018

New Subdomain: Psychic

This already appeared on the Paizo boards. If we have an Arcane and Divine subdomain, don't you think we need a Psychic one as well? I do.

Psychic Subdomain
Associated Domains: Knowledge, Magic.
Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the remote viewing power of the Knowledge domain or the dispelling touch power of the Magic domain.

Phrenic Disciple (Su): At 8th level, you gains a small pool of phrenic points equal to your Charisma bonus, as well as one phrenic amplification, as the psychic class feature. At 12th and 16th level, you can select another phrenic amplification (not a major amplification. You qualify for the Expanded Phrenic Pool feat, but not for the Extra Amplification feat.

Replacement Domain Spells: 1st– mindlink, 4th– telepathic bond, 5th– intellect fortress II, 6th–mind thrust VI

sabato 17 febbraio 2018

Witch Archetype: The Mystic Herbalist

Pathfinder has all the divine classes that AD&D had, and then more! Spells & Magic was one of my favorite manuals, and all the different types of priest described there have been satisfyingly converted to the "3.75 Edition". The Advanced Class Guide gave us the Shaman, the Warpriest (that replaces the Crusader) and even the Sacred Fist archetype for the Warpriest, for those players who liked the priestly version of the Monk. Plus, we have the inquisitor and the oracle, two of my most loved classes.
But there was Faiths & Avatars, too, and that had another priestly class! The Mystic was a chaotic priest with charm and herbalism abilities, much alike a divine witch. She gained a familiar, great charm abilities, could not wear armor, gained herbal powers and candle magic, and became extremely long-lived at high levels. And I want that back, too. "We already have the witch", you could say. True, but she's not a divine caster. And candle magic was a cool power.
There's no need to make a new class to recapture the Mystic's flavor. As with the Sacred Fist, an archetype should be enough. I thought very hard if it should be a Druid, Shaman, or Witch archetype, but... all in all, the witch needed less changes and seemed most "right". So, with a thanks to Stephen Rowe for a Grand Talent taken from The Genius Guide to More Witch Talents, here's to you the...

Mystic Herbalist (Witch Archetype) 
A mystic herbalist is near to nature spirits and fey, learning to fascinate both people and animals and use herbs to achieve supernatural effects. She often act as a priestess for nature-oriented communities.

Mystic Spells: A mystic herbalist is a divine spellcaster, and therefore her spells are not subject to arcane spell failure. She also uses Charisma as her spellcasting ability and to determine her hexes' effects. Her familiar counts as a divine focus when a spell includes such a component. The mystic herbalist still uses the witch spell list and learns spells as normal. This alters the witch’s spellcasting.
Dedicated: The mystic herbalist must choose the slumber hex at 1st level and the charm hex at 2nd level. At 10th level, she gains the following major hex:
Greater Charm (Su): The witch can influence many animals or humanoids at a time with her charm. This works as the charm hex, but affects a number of creatures equal to the witch's level.

At 14th level, the mystic herbalist gains the following major hex:

Candle Magic (Su): The mystic herbalist learns how to use her druidic herbalism ability to create magic candles. She can create a magic candle in place of a concoction once per day, as long as she possesses the necessary spells, and she ignores class and alignment prerequisites both to create and benefit from the effects of these candles. At 20th level, the mystic herbalist can also create a candle of any spell she could made into a concoction. The spell takes effect when the candle is lighted. If the spell has a duration, the candle burns for that duration. Creating such a candle is considered equivalent to a special high-level concoction, but the witch does not regain the spent spell slot until the candle takes effect.

These replace the hexes gained at 10th and 14th levels.
Mystic Herbalism: At 6th level, a mystic herbalist gains the druidic herbalism ability as a druid of her shaman level. This replaces the 6th and 12th level hexes.
Eternal Beauty (Ex): At 20th level, the mystic herbalist ceases aging and is immune to any effect that alters her age. She takes no penalty to physical ability scores from advanced age and does not die when her age exceeds the maximum age for her race. If she has already taken aging penalties, they are removed. This replaces the 20th-level grand hex.
Recommended Patrons: Animals, Devotion, Enchantment, Healing, Mercy, Peace, Plant, Thorns, Wisdom.
Hexes: The following hexes complement the mystic herbalist archetype: ameliorating, cauldron, healing, mother's eye, peacebond, seduction, witch’s bottle.
Major Hexes: The following major hexes complement the mystic herbalist archetype: major ameliorating, major healing, regenerative sinew, witch's bounty, witch’s brew.
Grand Hexes: The following grand hexes complements the mystic herbalist archetype: curse of nonviolence, eternal slumber, life giver.

mercoledì 14 febbraio 2018

New Exit: Pathways #73, "Elements"

Today I feel like my freelancing career made an important step forward. The article "Heavy Metal Heroes", published in the latest issue of Pathways, is my first published work for Rite Publishing (I hope, the first of many). I'll make some other appearance in this historical magazine during this year, for sure!
So I give to you my Metal shaman spirit and a Metal mystery for the Incarnate class from Wayward Rogues Publishing (that I greatly appreciate). Hope they meet your favour!

domenica 11 febbraio 2018

Mommy Dearest: Intimidating Scold

Some friend on Facebook yesterday reminded me of the Mother class once published in an old issue of Dragon, and I mused if I should convert it to Pathfinder. Maybe for Mother’s Day? In the meanwhile, tell me if you like this feat.

Intimidating Scold (Metamagic)
You know not only how to be obeyed, but how to be feared too.
Prerequisite: You must be a parent or have cared for children for a long period of time.
Benefit: When casting a language-dependent spell or a power word spell on a creature, if you know the full name of that creature, you can add it to the spell’s verbal component. The spell will affect that creature only (even if it normally can affect more creatures), but if the target fails its save, it is also shaken for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s original level (as Fearsome Spell). If the spell doesn’t allow a save, the target can nonetheless attempt a Will save to negate the shaken effect. If the spell effect already causes creatures to become shaken, on a failed save, add the duration of this metamagic effect to the duration of the shaken condition imposed by the spell. An intimidating scold can’t cause a creature to become frightened, even if that creature is already shaken. An intimidating scold uses up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell’s actual level.

sabato 10 febbraio 2018

Greek and Roman Deities: Febris

The month of February takes its name from the Roman goddess Febris, also identified sometimes with Juno (Juno Februata, or "Purified", and Juno Sospita, "Saver"). She was one of the di indigetes, or "indigenous deities" of Rome (as opposed to "imported" from Greece), and derived from Februus, the Etruscan god of purification. Febris was the deity who both caused and protected from fever and malaria. In February, the Februalia rites were celebrated to purify cities, when the women walked through streets with lighted torchs (later this would become the Christian celebration of Candelora, the "festival of candles") and Febris was prayed for preventing and healing diseases. Contemporarily also the Lupercalia were held, to appease the dead and pray gods for fertility: the lupercales priests ("Brothers of the Wolf") would flay a goat and a dog and then run naked through the city, striking people with the shaggy thongs of the victims' skin. For pregnant women and little children, being hit was a good omen. This festival would become St. Valentine's Day.
Since February was associated with the dead and fever (there were many swamps around Rome, nurturing plague-spreading insects), it was considered an unlucky month ("February, short and bitter" or "cursed", we say in Italy), and this is why since the Julian calendar it has been the shortest month of the year.

Febris (N)
Favored Weapon: cat-o'-nine-tails
Domains: Air, Death, Healing, Protection
Subdomains: Medicine, Plague, Purity, Restoration, Wind
Druidic Domains: Swamp, Vermin
Inquisitions: Conversion, Restoration
Mysteries/Spirits: Life, Nature
Witch Patron: Devotion, Healing, Jynx, Plague, Portents, Recovery, Rot
Alternate Channeling: Disease
Clergy: alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, oracles, shamans, sorcerers, witches

mercoledì 7 febbraio 2018

New Rage Powers: The Nature Totem

Let's continue with the conversion of Cyborg 005.

We already said that he's a shamanic ranger. As the cyborg team tank, and since sometimes he can lose control when confronting an enemy able to control minds, the other class coming to mind for him is the barbarian. As such, he has the Brutal Pugilist and Hurler archetypes since he prefers to fight barehanded and hurling large rocks or pieces of walls on enemies. And he may find useful these new rage powers chain:

Nature Totem (Ex): While raging, the barbarian may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. This functions as the druid and ranger’s woodland stride class feature. If the barbarian already possesses this ability or acquires it later, then it is effective in enchanted areas too. A barbarian must have the lesser nature totem rage power and be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Nature Totem, Greater (Sp): While raging, the barbarian can communicate with animals and plants as if he were under the effect of the speak with animals and speak with plants spells. The barbarian must have the Nature Totem and Lesser Nature Totem rage powers and be at least 10th level to select this rage power.

Nature Totem, Lesser (Ex): While raging, the barbarian is attuned with all natural surroundings. He can normally use the Perception and Sense Motive skills during his rage, and adds his Charisma bonus to the checks.

The only thing I don''t like about this build is that 005 always felt Lawful Good to me. Maybe with a special trait, or the Beyond Morality mythic ability, we can deal with that...

domenica 4 febbraio 2018

Vermin Companion: Large Tardigrade

Someone on Facebook this morning said that a player would have fancied a mount like this. There already are Paizo official stats for a tardigrade familiar, so I thought... why not?

A nightmare creature similar to a cross between a bear and a vermin advances slowly on its eight short legs, seeming strangely harmless.

Large Tardigrade, CR 3
XP 800
N Large vermin (aquatic)
Init -3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 9, touch 6, flat-footed 9 (-3 Dex, +3 natural, -1 size)
hp 42 (4d8+24)
Fort +10, Ref -3, Will +1
Defensive Abilities hardy; Immune mind-affecting effects; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +6 (1d8+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 20, Dex 4, Con 23, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +2; CMB +8; CMD 15 (27 vs. trip)
Skills Climb +13, Swim +13
SQ amphibious
Special Abilities
Hardy (Ex): A tardigrade is able to endure extreme conditions for extended periods of time. It is unharmed by extreme cold, extreme heat, and less extreme temperatures. It takes no damage from decompression (such as in the vacuum of space) or high-pressure environments (such as in extremely deep water).

Environment any
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure none

Large tardigrades are the product of magic or arcane irradiation. Despite their monstrous appearance, they can be surprisingly docile companions.

Large Tardigrades as Companions
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 6, Con 19, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2; Special Qualities darkvision, hardy, resist acid, cold and fire 5; CMD trip +12.
7th-Level Advancement Size Large; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4; Special Qualities resist acid, cold and fire 10.

sabato 3 febbraio 2018

Ranger Archetype: Spirit Listener

Here's a hybrid archetype I made long ago on the Paizo boards. It was part of my attempt to convert another of the Cyborgs... 005!

The team's strong guy is strong in soul as he is in body. Proud of his Apache heritage, he is always in contact with the spirits of nature, and this makes Ranger one of his chosen classes. (As for the second... we'll see another time...). At the same time, I felt that with the Advanced Class Guide rules out, the Spirit Ranger archetype needed an updating. Here's the result.

Spirit Listener (Ranger)

A spirit listener learns how to commune with the spirits who inhabit the lands he has sworn to protect. Reflective and wise, this shamanic ranger acts as a true intermediary between man and nature.

Spirit Bond (Ex): At 4th level, instead of forming a bond with his hunting companions or an animal companion, the spirit listener forms a bond with the spirits of nature dwelling in his favored terrain. He chooses one shaman spirit related to his first favored terrain. He adds that spirit’s 1st–4th level spirit magic spells to his ranger spell list, and can cast these spells spontaneously sacrificing a spell slot of equal level. These are the choices of spirits dwelling in each terrain:

Cold: Mammoth, Waves
Desert: Flame
Forest: Nature, Wood
Jungle: Nature, Wood
Mountain: Stone, Wind
Plains: Mammoth, Nature
Planes: Heavens, Life
Swamp: Bones, Waves
Underground: Bones, Stone
Urban: Battle, Lore
Water: Waves

The spirit listener also gains the spirit ability of his terrain spirit. At 9th level, he gains one hex of his choice from the list of hexes available to his terrain spirit. At 16th level, he gains the greater spirit ability of his terrain spirit. The spirit listener doesn't need to be in his favored terrain in order to use these abilities. His effective shaman level for them is equal to his shaman level -3. This ability replaces hunter’s bond, evasion, and improved evasion.
Spirit–Wise (Sp): At 12th level, as long as he is within one of his favored terrains, the spirit listener can temporarily bond with a spirit related to that terrain. He gains access to one hex from the list of that terrain’s spirit for 24 hours, but the bond ends if he leaves the spirit’s terrain. If he is in his fixed spirit's permanent terrain, he can choose a second, temporary hex granted by that terrain's spirit.
The spirit listener can’t forge a temporary bond with more than one spirit at a time, and can’t bond with a new spirit before 24 hours are passed, even if the first bond ends before this time. The spirit listener doesn’t gain access to the spirit magic spells or abilities granted by his wandering terrain spirit.
At 17th level, the spirit listener needs no more to stay in one of his favored terrains in order to forge or maintain the bond with that terrain’s spirit.
This ability replaces camouflage and hide in plain sight.